How To Access, Navigate & Complete The 4 Summits Of The Warrior’s Journey

This article will show you how to Access, Navigate & Complete the Warrior's Journey inside of Central Command/The Armory.

The reason for doing this will be to set you up properly into the Warrior's Journey but you will need to be the one that does this yourself from your end. 

This is no longer an offer we sell, if you are wanting to gain access contact with questions. 

Step #1: Ensure you are logged into Central Command through the following link =

Step #2a: From there you will then click on the link below. This will take you to the page indicated by the screenshot below.

Step #2a: You will see "Armory" at the top in which you will click "Dashboard" This will bring you to the main Armory.

Step #2a Continued. This will be the screen you come to in which scrolling down you will see the course work.

Step #3: Scroll down you will see all the benchmarks for this part of the journey. In which you will be able to complete in order. 

Step #4: After clicking on the Benchmark you will see the checklist on the right for that benchmark and the audio along with transcripts as indicated by screenshot. 

Step #5: At the bottom you will see playback options, Previous Focus, Next focus as indicated by screenshot. You will use these to navigate through the benchmark.

After this you are all set and have successfully navigated all the things you will need to complete the Warriors Journey!

If you have further questions after reviewing these instructions contact and one of our team members will assist you.

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