How To Register For Warrior Events

This article will show you how to register for events inside Central Command.


Depending on your level of access/subscription you will have access to different events. 

Most events we host are for Members only, so if you are not one? Contact. to discuss your options. 

Step #1: Ensure you are logged into Central Command through the following link =

Step #2: From your my account Click "Events" Either in the dashboard or the Global Header as indicated in screenshot. 
Step 3a: If clicked on the Global Header you will be taken here to select the event you wish to register for. 
Step #3b: If you clicked on the dashboard "Events" you will be taken here to select an event you wish to register for. 
Step #4 After selecting the event you wish you will then scroll to the bottom and add 1 ticket and click "Order Now". 
Step #5: You then will click "Proceed To Checkout".

(Depending on your level of involvement you may have a Coupon for 'specific events'.)

Step #6: Once checking out you will need to complete filling out your billing information. After this you will simply click "Place Order".

After this, you are all set and have successfully registered for an event!

If you have further questions after reviewing these instructions contact and one of our team members will assist you.

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