How To Cancel Your Subscription

This article will show you how to cancel your subscription inside Central Command. 

The reason for canceling will be different for everyone, but you will need to be the one that cancels your subscription from your end. 

If you are cancelling right now? 

We would love for you to send an email to so they can send you off with some love and capture any important feedback from you. 

Step #1: Ensure you are logged into Central Command through the following link =

Step #2: From the Dashboard click "Subscriptions" as indicated in the screenshot below.

Step #3: Click "View" as indicated in the screenshot below.

Step #4: Click "Cancel" as indicated in the screenshot below.

Step #5: Once you have done this you will see the following message show up as indicated by the arrow. 

After this, you are all set and have successfully canceled your subscription.

If you have further questions after reviewing these instructions contact and one of our team members will assist you.

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