How to track your Core 4-2.0

Step #1: Log in HERE

Step #2: Track Your Score For The Day In Your Dashboard.

Upon logging into the App, you will find the DASHBOARD, this Dashboard is where you can track your Core 4 specifically for the active day you are on. You will click on each button as you complete your Core 4 for the day as seen below. 

(See step #3 on how to track previous days' Core 4 if you missed tracking your work.)

Step #3: How To Track Your Core 4 From Previous Days If You Missed It.

Once you've clicked into the Core 4 Dashboard itself, you will be able to click back to the days you have not tracked and then mark each box complete. 

For example. As I write this it is Friday, in the image you will see I selected Wednesday to be able to go back and track what I had missed. 


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