Example Of How To Do The Core 4 2.0

Core 4 is your ability to access power every day across Body, Being, Balance, and Business. Part of the daily commitment is to complete your Core 4. 

Example of how to do your Core 4. 

Fitness: Do 100 push-ups, 100 Sit-ups.
Fuel: Warrior Greens.

Meditation: 10 min.
Memoirs: Journal the revelation from Meditation.

Person #1: Text my Wife something I love about her. 
Person #2: Text my Kids/Parents something I love about them.

Discover: Learn something new in Business.
Declare: Tell my partner or friend about what I learned. 


Below is a breakdown of each core element.


    What you physically do every single day whether that be yoga, bodyweight cardio, heavy lifting, swimming, etc. Whatever it is that makes you sweat and keeps your mind, body, and soul sharp by optimizing your body. We do this for at LEAST 10 minutes a day, and this will vary according to your level of athleticism. Some will do this for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours, etc. You get to do what you know works for you. 
  • FUEL
    Here is where you incorporate the necessary foods inside of your body to get what is needed to truly feel the liberation that comes from taking care of this vessel we have been given. As a part of the Warrior's Way, we incorporate a green smoothie into our mornings. This usually takes about 5 minutes to make.


    For 10 minutes (or more) every day, we see the true importance of the emotional and mental clarity that comes from giving your body this time to connect with the breath and let it take you where it does. As a movement, we ALL understand the power and the importance of taking this time to do so.  
    For even as little as 5 minutes every single day, when we take the time to read scripture, journal, listen to a podcast or video regarding spiritual development it makes all of the difference in our certainty and purpose in life. 


    This is a very simple endeavor, it is as simple as spending 10 minutes to send a text to our partner expressing gratitude, a memory, etc, or a sticky note on the bathroom mirror, bringing them breakfast in bed, these small investments that can literally take as little as 10 minutes, open up a world of new possibilities within those relationships in our lives.
    This changes from human to human, if you are a parent, this investment might be in your kids, if you are a single individual this could be to your closest friends, this is for anyone in your life that is special to you that is not your significant other

    You can spend as little as 5 minutes building a Lego set with your children, making them a healthy special treat and making them play the “hot and cold” game to find it. This can also be the sticky notes and everything else that pertains to “partner” as well. 

    Whatever the investment is, change it up and make sure that you truly get creative for them to feel that willingness and deep investment in them as individuals in your life.  


    An example of this could be to read 10 minutes (minimum) a day, then extract the lessons from this and, find how it is relevant to you in your workday ahead, whether you own a business, or you are an employee, this is 100% relevant to you, regardless of the workload or the responsibility that you hold you can strive to become the best at what you do.
    This is where you get to take the lesson or insight that you got from your learning, share it with others to declare what you are creating that day.

    You could send a text to your co-workers, a video, etc... whatever, and whoever it is that you declare your actions to is up for you to decide.


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