How To Find Unit Notifications

Step #1: Log in HERE

This is if not using the Mobile App. 

(Both will look the same)

Step #2: Once Signed in you will see the following screen. Here you will click on the notifications icon as indicated in the below screenshot. 

Step #3: After clicking on the Notifications tab it will open up your tribe notifications menu and show you the unit notifications as shown in the screenshot below. Here you can filter your notifications based on Unread, Notification Type, the specific Tribe Unit it is from, or the date range when you would have received it.

You can also click "Mark All As Read" to clear all notifications.

Step #4: If you want to clear only the notifications from one of your tribe units, you can do this by clicking on the red Notifications circle and it will bring up an option to "Mark As Read"

That will be how to find and clear all the Unit Notifications.


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