How To Understand The 'Stories' In The Rage (Mega) Stack 2.0
When completing a Mega Stack, there are a series of "Stories" aka perspectives... that the Mega Stack walks you through so you really understand ALL of the aspects of the situation you've chosen to Stack about.
Below are the examples of these Stories.
This is about the specific situation you've chosen to Stack, let's say you are frustrated at a team member for not pulling their weight, the story would be:
"They are not doing what is required for the company to grow and reach the target's we are after, I am sick of picking up their slack and having the company, team, and members experience a loss because of this behavior"
This is flipping the script and making the story about yourself, the story would then be.
"I am not doing what is required for the company to grow and reach the targets I am after, the team is frustrated at me because they are pulling my weight and see my weak behavior."
This would be quite literally, the opposite version of the Original Story, the example would be:
"They are pulling their weight, the company is growing, the targets are being met, no one is having to pick up their slack and their behavior is on point."
This would be what you want out of the situation, declaring what the ideal situation would be coming out of your Stack, the example would be:
"I want them to understand the behavior and effort their putting in is not hitting the mark, I want to bring tangible examples of this to a conversation so that we can rally together and create a new possibility together, ensuring the company is growing and they get the guidance they need to level up, I get to schedule a meeting with them."
Now, keep in mind that throughout the Summit's inside of the "Warrior's Journey" you will be guided on the Stack Tool in-depth, so if you do not understand this right off the bat? DON'T STRESS, it takes time to fully understand the tools and leverage them to their full potential.