How Do I Create a Note

Step #1: Log in HERE

This is if not using the Mobile App. 
(Both will look the same)

Step #2: Log in with your Credentials. 
(Forgot your password? Click on "Forgot password?)

Step #3: Once Signed in you will see the following screen. You can then either go to the Notes section or create a quick Note by clicking the icon in the header. 

Step #4: If you select a Quick Note a popup window will appear and you can create a note without having to leave what you are currently doing in the app. Doesn't matter if you are in the middle of a stack, doing your core 4 or in a fact map. You can do a note and capture your thoughts. 

If you click this icon in the top corner of the quick note popup

It will minimize the note and you can return to add more to it by clicking the quick notes menu. You will know if you have a quick note draft because the quick note icon will change to look like this. 

Step #5: Or you can create a not from the Notes Section of the app. By clicking on the Create Button.

You can create Notes, Sketches, and Folders. Or you can click on the empty note with the + symbol. You don't need to click save or close because the app automatically saves your note. Just start a new note or select the folder you want to change to and know that your thoughts are saved. 

That's all the ways you can create a Note.

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