How To Create A Tribe Unit

Step #1: Log in HERE

This is if not using the Mobile App. 

(Both will look the same) 

Step #2: Once Signed in you will see the following screen. Here you will click on the "Tribe" Icon in the Left Menu, This will take you to the Tribe. On the left hand side of the screen you will see your Tribe Units Menu.

Step #3: On the Units Menu there is a + next to the search bar. This is your Create Unit Button. 

Step #4: Fill out your Unit Information.

In order to create a unit you will need to fill out all the required fields. Unit Name, Privacy Type, Stage of Life of Owner, Tags and Description. 

Privacy Type: There are three privacy options. Public- Anyone can Join Protected- Users have to be approved before they can join, Private- members must be invited to the unit. You can also choose to limit the number of members that can be in the group. So if you want a public group, but limit its size, you can do that. 

Stage of life of Owner: Let's be real, the issues that young entrepreneurs deal with are not the same as people managing an established business, and the issues of a person working to retire are unique. So identify where you are at, so you can find others who can support you where you are at. 

Tags:  Tags are single words that describe who your units is for, and what it is about. Others will be able use these tags to find your group, so put thought into what tags you use. 

Description:  Add a brief description about your Unit. Who is it for, what is the topic, and intention of this unit. This will be the description that attracts members to your unit, so write a good one. This is effectively the marketing copy for your unit. 

Post Sharing: We have added the ability for you to share posts from others, just like on most social media networks. But the Warrior App is different than Facebook. We share some very personal stuff. So you can decide to disable sharing for every post in your unit. If you choose to turn Post Sharing on, individual users can still chose to make their posts unsharable. 

Hide Unit Statistics: Some units are about accountability to the Warriors Way, others will be networking groups or connecting to others who love the same hobbies. Not all units have the same purpose, so you can now choose to turn off the Unit Statistics within a unit. 

Step #5: You are almost done. The last thing is to identify rules for the Unit. 

Every good interaction requires setting the frame. This is your chance to set the frame for your unit. Daily accountability requirements, discussion topics, codes of conduct, all are useful. We require you set at least 3 rules, but you can set as many as you want. 

If you aren't sure what to put you can always go with the tried and true: 1: Be Real 2: Get Raw 3: Stay Relevant.

Step #6: Click Publish and you are good to go. If there are any fields you miss you will see a text saying "This field is mandatory" under the field. 

Thats it. You are now read to start creating your own tribes units, and connecting with your brothers and sisters in Warrior

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