How Do I Start A Direct Message
Step #1: Log in HERE
This is if not using the Mobile App.
(Both will look the same)
Step #2: Once Signed in you will see the following screen. Here you will click on the "Chat" Icon in the Left Menu, This will take you to the Chat.
Step #3: Here you will see a few different menu options, and by default you will start in the All DMS area. You can start a Direct Message chat by typing in a persons name to search for them as shown below.
Step #4: As you type in the name a list of all members who fit this name will show up below the search bar. By clicking on one of the names below you can select one or multiple individuals to start a chat with. When you have selected all the individuals you want in this chat (either a group or an individual) click on the arrow button to the right.
You can also start a Direct Message by going through a users Tribe Profile. If you click on the users Avatar image and go to there profile you will find a new button to "Message" that person.
Step #5: This will send a request to Chat to any and all individuals that you selected. They will receive a request as shown below. They can then chose to Accept or Decline your request to chat. If you sent a request to a group of people they will each receive a request.
Step #6: Thats it! Once they approve you to chat with them you are free to chat with this individual or group.