How Do I Use The Freedom Map Templates

Step #1: Log in HERE

This is if not using the Mobile App. 
(Both will look the same)

Step #2: Log in with your Credentials. 
(Forgot your password? Click on "Forgot password?)

Step #3: Once Signed in you will see the following screen. Here you will click on the "Notes" Icon in the Left Menu.

Step #4: Once you get to the Note section you will want to click on the Create Note button to open the drop down. At the bottom of the dropdown list you will see the option for Templates.

This will automatically create the folders for Facts, Freedom and Focus, as well as the 4 documents in each for Body, Being, Balance and Business. 

These documents will now operate like any other note. You can change them, edit them even rename them. If you need to load new version simply repeat this process and new folders and notes will be created.

And that is it! Thats all it takes to create the templates for the new Freedom Maps.

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