How To Organize The CHAT with Segments

Step #1: Log in HERE

This is if not using the Mobile App. 

(Both will look the same) 

Step #2: Once Signed in you will see the following screen. Here you will click on the "Chat" Icon in the Left Menu, This will take you to the Chat. 

Step #3: Now that you are in the CHAT app, you can organize your DMs and Channels using "Segments" 

Simply click on the + sign next to Channels. This will give you a sub menu to create a new channel, or create a segment.

Step #4: Give the Segment a name and select the DM's and Channels you want to add to this segment. 

You can create up to 10 segments with different groups of DMs and Channels. 

Step #5 Decide on their Order.

Once you have created some segments you can then choose to reorder them how ever you would like. By clicking on the three dot menu you can then select the option to "Reorder" your segments.

This will bring up a popup that will allow you to drag your segments into the desired order.

You can also close segment to make viewing easier for those groups of individuals you engage with on a less frequent basis. Simply by clicking the Carrot icon next to the segment name.

These segments will remain minimized until you open them again, but will show you the total number of notifications from Channels and DM's within the segment.

And that is everything you need to know about Segments.

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