How Do I Get My Weekly Game Points

Step #1: Log in HERE

This is if not using the Mobile App. (Both will look the same)

Step #2: Once Signed in you will see the following screen. Here you will click on the Game icon and click on GENERALS TENT.

Step #3: In the Generals Tent screen you will see your Impossible Game, Monthly Mission and Weekly War

If you have not yet completed your Future focus and Impossible Game then you will need to complete those before you can move forward.

If you are on track, or completed the Impossible Game or Monthly Mission you will click "MARK AS ON TRACK" each week. If you are not on-track you will click "MARK AS OFF TRACK".

If you completed all your Targets for the Weekly War, then you will click "Won" under the Weekly War.

If you did not complete your Targets, click "LOST".

Step #4: Select How You Get Your Point

You can select which of these 3 tracking systems will give you your game point for the week.

Click the submenu settings icon up in the top corner of the Warrior app to open up this specific settings for the Game section.

You can then select how you get this GAME Point. Does it come from marking as on track in the Impossible Game, Monthly Mission, or Winning the Weekly War.

Select the area you want to be your main tracking and click "SAVE"

You will also be asked if you are on track when you go through the Tent Stack, but that will not count towards your weekly Game points.

These settings will not go back in time to change scores, but will affect all future Game points.

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