What Are The Different Stack Types

Power Stacks

​Rage (Mega) - The deepest dive of all the stacks. This stack gives you the deepest dive into the story changing power of the stack, and how it affects all 4 domains. 

​Angry- This stack is a quicker form of the Rage (Mega) stack. It is for when something makes you angry, but the trigger is not deep enough to lead to Rage. 


​Guilt - this stack focuses on dealing with triggers of Guilt and shame

​Sad Stack - Help you process sadness

​Happy - This stack is designed to help you lean into and spend time focusing on things that make you happy. It is different then Gratitude, because it is about feeling the happiness. 

​Excited - This helps you to celebrate when good things happen and capture your excitement

​Grateful and Appreciation - These are to help you with finding deeper levels of gratitude for things that happen in your life, or for expressing appreciation for others. 

​Prayer Stack - A stack designed to explore and capture your conversations and communion with God. 

​Production Stacks

​Bible Stack - Stack designed to help you capture what you learn in your bible study and turn that into action and change in your life. 

​Discover Stack - This stack helps you capture things you learn in study, and apply that learning to the domains of Body, Being, Balance or Business. 

​Idea Stack- this stack helps you to break down ideas you have into 4 actionable actions that you can take to make the idea come to life. 

​War Stack- This stack is an expanded idea stack where you also explore the obstacles that could get in the way of your idea. This stack is also used in the Door to identify the 4 Keys to complete your Domino Door. 

​Open Stack - this stack has no structure and is designed for free flow of ideas and thoughts.

​Hot Stack- Stack used to prepare a client for a Hot Seat or coaching call. In this stack they identify the issues and stories but does not take you through to a new story and actions, because it is assumed those will be covered in the coaching call. 

​Cash Stack- This stack is a mix of production and power. It focuses on identifying stories you have in regards to your business and production ideas and makes you examine them. 

​Feedback Stack- This stack works as a way for customers to provide feedback to you on different programs and experiences. 

​Curiosity Stack- Stack used to explore and capture ideas that you are curious about and are interested in future study. 

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